Dedicated to changing the HOA laws in all the states to protect and benefit the homeowners.
This is our library website. It has links to documents and all the committees and communities.
You MUST have Facebook and Messenger open in order to access all the committees and communities.
Click on the menu at the top of the screen to jump to the section of the Directory you want to read, OR;
Search down the Directory Map and click on the items to bring up the information or site that you want, OR;
Hit ctrl F to open a search. The search screen will appear on the bottom left side of the screen.
Need help, Messenger Patrick Johansen or Patrick@PK80.com
HRLNG Facebook is the main NATIONAL site,
where the work happens, committees and strategy, and where to start.
Click here to go there and join the conversations.
Basic Training
HRLNG Facebook Tour (youtube.com) Quick tour about using our FB page
HRLNG Website Introduction Tour. Quickly learn about our website, and how to find useful information here.
Why is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bad for HOA Homeowners?
Additional Training
60 Minute Overview of HLRNG Proposed Legislation with Hawaii Member Comments
Foreign or Domestic Corporations buying HOA Dictatorships in the USA
Florida 919 - Rundle, even embezzlement is not a crime in an HOA
Georgia Legislative Committee Meeting on HOAs, EXCELLENT TO LEARN ABOUT COMMITTEE MEETINGS
How to talk to the Ohio Legislature. Most would apply in any state.
How to write up your story for your attorney, legislator or news media
The Constitutional Arguments against HOA laws.
HRLNG Action Committees
Membership Committee
Chair Carolyn Dunn Wefsenmoe, CoChair Diana Seehase, CoChair Jess Herzog -
State Legislative Committees (see States listed at the bottom of Directory)
National Legislative Committee Chair, Peenah
National Legislative Committee – to organize effort to contact Federal Legislators
State Political Site Posting Committee Chair
State Political Site Posting Committee Instructions Contact Patrick Johansen
Hawaii - Brandy Shumate
National Organizations and News Committee Chairs Pat McCrossen, Ingrid Clemen, Rights Nineth, Linda Brown, Hawaii - Brandy Shumate, HK HK,
National Thank You Committee – Chair Person Needed!
Technical Committee Website- Angel Ramos, Jess Horvath, Michael Chevalier, Patrick Johansen
National Admin and Research Committee
Volunteers, Jess Herzog, Chris Schwendenmann, Gina Bone, Jeanne McAree, Emilia Der Sarkissian, Lael Khalidah,
Standard Bylaws, Covenants and Rules for Declarants Project - Jess Herzog, Chris Schwendenmann, Gina Bone, Emilia Der Sarkissian, Tina Faye Wernsman Dev
Small Claims Training Committee, Chair Emilia Der Sarkissian
HRLNG Produced Media, HRLNG in the News and Other Tools
United for Homeowners: Transforming Laws with HOA Reform Leader’s National Group (HRLNG)
by Mike Chevalier -
HRLNG Facebook Tour (youtube.com) Quick tour about using our FB page
by Jess Herzog -
Legislative Strategies Transparent Communication by Michael Chevalier
Supporting Documents
57% Of HOA Residents Don’t Like Having An HOA (Survey by Rocket Mortgage)
HOA CBS News with Office of Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle (Uses term Dictatorial, Rundle starts at 8:50 in the video) and House Representative Juan Carlos Porras
Geico Commercial depicts life in HOAs. Proves HOA problems are a large national issue.
John Oliver Commercial – Funny yet terrifying news reel about the dangers of living in HOAs.
Why is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bad for HOA Homeowners?
Adhesion Contract, what is it, and will these laws help you?
AARP Bill of Rights
Beware of Investing in Condos, Townhomes or Single Family Houses in a HOA
Center for California Homeowner Association Law (CCHAL) Website to Help Owners File HOA Complaints with State Agencies
Correlation of Homeowners Associations and Inferior Property Value Appreciation
How Americans view HOAs " More people who do live under an HOA would rather not than prefer it."
Psychologist Defines the HOA Syndrome Caused by Oppressive HOAs
What Duty of Care Does a Homeowner Association Owe Its Members
Whistleblower Summit Video – 10 HOA Homeowners discuss the problems with HOAs
Why HOAs are bad. "... in total, 61 percent would prefer to live without an HOA."
HOA Horror Stories
Seven Law Firms that each filed more than 100 HOA Foreclosures in 4 Years
Builders to Avoid when Buying a Home and Class Action suits against them.
Sample Good Bills and Laws from all States
Colorado HB 2024a_1078_01 Regulation of Association Property Managers
Here’s a brief synopsis of some of the new requirements provided by Stephen Short:
1. Website Transparency: Associations with 100 or more lots must post meeting notices and other required documents on their website. Member meetings need seven days' notice, while board meetings require 48 hours' notice. A records retention policy is recommended.
2. Financial Reporting: If an association has at least 1,000 parcels, an annual audit is required. Lesser reporting requirements can only be approved by a member vote annually. Debit cards can only be used for pre-approved board expenses, or their misuse becomes a misdemeanor.
3. Owner Financial Breakdown: Associations must provide a detailed breakdown of fines within 15 business days of a request. Failure to do so renders fines uncollectible.
4. Board Member Certification: New board members must complete a 4-hour certification course within 90 days of being elected or appointed. Ongoing education of 4 hours annually is required, with an 8-hour requirement for communities with 2,500 or more lots.
Florida multiple new laws and current bills beneficial for HOA Homeowners
Maryland, Montgomery County Montgomery County has Created a County HOA Office called
Office of Common Ownership Communities | DHCA (Office of Common Ownership Communities | DHCA) https://montgomerycountymd.gov/DHCA/housing/commonownership/index.html
The Commission acts as an administrative agency with many of the powers of a court. When hearing a dispute, the decisions of the Commission's hearing panels have the force of law. They are legally binding on the parties and are not mere recommendations. If a party does not obey an order of a hearing panel, the party is in violation of County law, and the Commission's staff can initiate a lawsuit in court to enforce the order and to obtain fines of $500 per day as a penalty. Commission decisions can be appealed to the Circuit Court, which will not hold a new trial but will review the record that was before the hearing panel to determine if the panel correctly applied the law and had sufficient facts to support its decision.
HOA Primer
Neighbors At War Interview “His knowledge is sophisticated . . . [Staropoli] has been able to articulate the deficiencies and the pending bombshells contained in the Legislature’s denial of the obvious: that the HOA system is badly broken and in desperate need of an overhaul.”
Anti CAI information
CAI Board Resolution that CAI wants your Board to sign, donating to CAI Annually
CAI Minuscule Minority Dominates Public Policy George Staropoli
Petitions and Surveys we would like you to sign and/or fill out.
Illinois Petition for HOA Reform, Bill 5388 (HRLNG supports this bill)
Movie and Petition - Unregulated: How HOAs Threaten The American Dream
Georgia HOA Reform: Fair Governance & Accountability for Homeowners
Survey and Petition Organizations
Survey Results
Sample Letters
Sample instruction letter to have IN STATE members write to legislators or others.
Sample instruction letter to have OUT OF STATE members write to legislators or others.
Sample instruction letter to legislators to promote our Proposed Legislation.
Sample Tracking Document for HRLNG Legislative Committee Chairs
How to Fight Back Against your Board
WE BELIEVE the most effective way to defend yourself against HOA corruption is to put every effort you can into working as a team in HRLNG to changing the laws.
READ THIS FIRST What if my HOA refused to follow the laws or governing documents?
Disability Rights, #1 Disability Rights Advocate in Colorado, Jennifer Chaffins
Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court – Legal Books – Nolo
Can an association board sue a member for defamation? (tcpalm.com)
Does a Directors and Officers Insurance Policy Cover the Settlement of Criminal Charges?
National Volunteer Act of 1997 – Does not totally protect the Board Members
Tips for Taking HOAs to Small Claims Court by Emilia Der Sarkissian
Where to go to file complaints against your insurance company? https://content.naic.org/
Possible Legal Defense Ideas and Help.
- Without Attorneys (may also help you to keep an eye on YOUR attorney)
- Small Claims Court Facebook Chat
- Bar Association, file a complaint against your HOA Attorney
Can an association board sue a member for defamation? (tcpalm.com)
Certified Fraud Examiners We dont know much about this, if someone looks into them please let us know your findings.
Deceptive Trade Practices & Sherman Act violations, Report to FTC, FBI & DOJ
Disability Complaints, file directly with the DOJ 202 307-0663
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation – Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Home Regulations matthew.dunklin@myfloridalicense.com
Hud housing.counseling@hud.gov or call toll free 800-569-4287 (202-708-1455 TTY).
Law Library (Alameda County, CA)
lawyers.com or justia.com to find attorneys
Maryland, Montgomery County, Office of Common Ownership Communities
NACA National Association of Consumer Advocates
Google NACA defense to find attorneys
Sue for Emotional damage
Online Drafting Manuals - National Conference of State Legislatures (ncsl.org) (to help you write bills)
Pacific Legal Foundation. Since our founding in 1973, Pacific Legal Foundation has protected property rights as a top priority
Pro Bono Assistance (National)
Reporters Committee For Freedom of the Press – Anti Slapp Laws
Training Course: How to Win in Court. $249 (outside vendor)
Understanding Anti-SLAPP laws – The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (rcfp.org)
Verdict Search - an online tool to help you search legal cases
- Small Claims Court Facebook Chat
Attorney Services
Places to search for attorneys
BAR Association Attorney Lookup for your State
Legal Insurance and find attorney
www.justanswers.com approx $60 for unlimited questions in one month.
www.ARAGlegal.com (515) 246-1200 Receive legal consultation and representation to deal with HOA or home contractor disputes and debt collection.
Legal Zoom $30 per month
Met Life $30 per month Best option ??? May pay for all defense attorney fees in your state
Legal Shield $30 per month
A Homeowner Umbrella Policy may cover you for lawsuits, may pay for all attorney fees in your state, about $30 per year. (no link, just info)
Related National Sites
Bloomburg Government for State Legislative Info for All States
First Service Residential complaint / support group for residents only
New Jersey HOA Laws, Rules, Resources & Information — Homeowners Protection Bureau, LLC (hopb.co)
HRLNG State Sites
National Information Relevant to All States
202-224-3121 is the U.S. Capitol Switchboard number which can help you reach your elected representatives, including Senators and Representatives.
Bills attempting to force HOA Property Managers to be licensed. CAI list.
Washington – Legislators CAN write retroactive laws that will change past contracts. SB 5796
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Colorado Co-Chair Tina Faye
Colorado HOA Forum Stan Hrincevich
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Florida Chair Liz Cuevas Medina (Elizabeth Cuevas Neunder)
Legislative Committee
Georgia Community Chat – Vivian Kirby, Jasman Sade Johnson-Iglehart
Legislative Committee – Jane On A Journey, Jessica Navas, Mateo Bossone
Hawaii - Chair Jess Herzog
Community Chat Chair
Legislative Committee Chat Chair Jess Herzog
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee Chair HK HK, Marguerite C Duras, Anna Mikiewicz
Legislative Committee Web page Chair Aga RX (Lisa)
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Massachusetts Chair Linda Lee
Michigan Kay Sparkles
Legislative Committee
Minnesota Chair Joni Erickson-Weissenfluh
Legislative Committee Chat Chair Joni Erickson-Weissenfluh
Legislative Committee
Missouri Lynnette
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
New York Margaret Alexander
Legislative Committee
Community Chat Chair Louise Morris
Legislative Committee Chair Laura Chiocchi, Ron Downs, Ricardo Mello
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Pennsylvania Marty Payne
Community Chat Marty Payne
Legislative Committee Marty Payne
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee Chris Schwendenmann, Ashley Cater-Wyant
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee Judy Neldam Chair Cheerleader Chair Rachel Whitting
Legislative Committee
Chair Ingrid Clemen (Messenger or Ingridclemen@yahoo.com, 630-651-5225)
Legislative Committee
Legislative Committee
Other Countries
Legislative Committee
Community Chat
Legislative Committee
Community Chat
Legislative Committee