Sample thank you letters to legislators.
Legislative Action Alert!!
I believe we should thank all the legislators that have written good bills to benefit the Homeowners of HOA/COAs. We should all thank them even if we are not in their state. Please write to Senator Trudeau in Washington thanking her for her efforts, and I invite anyone to post a similar sample letter here on HRLNG, thanking their legislators.
Senator Trudeau created an excellent Bill, HB 5727, for the benefit of homeowners of HOAs and COAs last year. It didn’t make it through but It will automatically come up again this coming year. When a legislator writes a bill like this, it benefits people in all the states because the other legislators in other states often see the bill. If it becomes law in one state, it benefits all the other states even more because we can show that the law already exists in another state.
Please help us thank and promote legislators that are actively helping HOA and COA homeowners.
For those of you IN WASHINGTON STATE I have written a suggested email to send to Senator Trudeau. It is best if each of you rewrites it in your own words, but if you don’t have time, just send it as it is.
For those of you NOT in WASHINGTON STATE, I have written a second letter below the first. It is also best if you can rewrite it in your own words but again, if you don’t have the time, just send it as it is.
TO: Senator Yasmin Trudeau (
Senator Yasmin Trudeau,
Thank you for proposing HB 5727. Yours was the best HOA bill proposed as it had so many of the desperately needed HOA Reforms.
Your effort to put the HOA laws under the consumer protection act is the most important and appreciated. Without enforcement and penalties in the law, the Board Members and Property Managers have no reason to follow the laws. Most of us didn’t realize what we were getting into when we bought a property in an HOA. I don’t know how people could realize that laws as those that currently exist could exist in the USA.
Mandatory HOA member lists including email addresses is also one of the most important issues in your bill. Without that we as homeowners have no way to vote out corrupt Board Members, communicate about the financials and the budget, or have fair elections.
There are so much other excellent legislation you have proposed in your bill. I just want you to know how much we appreciate that.
I hope we can get 5727 passed in the next session.
Thank you again so much for your efforts.
TO: Senator Yasmin Trudeau (
Senator Yasmin Trudeau,
Thank you for proposing HB 5727. Yours was the best HOA bill proposed as it had so many of the desperately needed HOA Reforms.
Your effort to put the HOA laws under the consumer protection act is the most important and appreciated. Without enforcement and penalties in the law, the Board Members and Property Managers have no reason to follow the laws. Most of us didn’t realize what we were getting into when we bought a property in an HOA. I don’t know how people could realize that laws as those that currently exist could exist in the USA.
Mandatory HOA member lists including email addresses is also one of the most important issues in your bill. Without that we as homeowners have no way to vote out corrupt Board Members, communicate about the financials and the budget, or have fair elections.
There are so much other excellent legislation you have proposed in your bill. I just want you to know how much we appreciate that.
I want you to know that I am not from Washington, my state has most of the same problems with our legislation as your State. If you can pass this bill, it will give us the ability to show our legislators good legislation that has passed in your state, which hopefully will get the same legislation passed in our state. So your efforts benefit all of us all over the country.
I hope 5727 passes in the next session.
Thank you again so much for your efforts.