I am writing about HOA/COA (Homeowner/Condo Association) reform. This is a big issue, not just in the State of (YOUR STATE) but across the country and it is a non-partisan issue that effects thousands of homeowners in this state and millions around the country.
HOAs are in effect governments that have been given powers of a municipality by State Governments with none of the oversights of normal government agencies. As there are no penalties in the laws for Board Members or Property Managers that violate the HOA laws, many Board Members and Property Managers see no reasons to follow the laws.
About 30% of the homes in the United States now fall under some form of HOA. These homeowners can be accused, convicted and fined for Covenant violations with no due process. Liens can be put on their homes and the homes can be foreclosed and put up for Sheriff’s sale where the home can be sold for anything more than the debt owned on it. The homeowner could lose a $400,000 home due to a being falsely accused of violating a covenant. Most HOA home owners are not aware of the injustices they face when purchasing a home in an HOA. We are working on changing the (YOUR STATE) State Laws to give the homeowners a safer place to live.
Many unsuspecting people have their lives ruined, many even losing their homes because they bought in an HOA. It is one of the few national issues, that is a NON-PARTISAN issue. I am hoping you will support our suggested changes to the laws.
I know you can’t know everything about every issue. I would like to give you information about the HOA issues.
I have included a link to our Proposed Legislative Changes:
We believe that if these proposed legislative changes were put into law in any state, they would solve about 95% of the problems in HOAs.
Is there a time that I could speak with you by Zoom or equivalent to discuss these issues?