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HOA Reform Leaders Founder

I am Patrick Johansen, founder of HRLNG.


Thanks for joining HRLNG!

Our goal is to change the laws of all the states to protect and benefit the homeowners.  As far as we are aware we are the only national group that represents the homeowners and are actively working to change the laws.

We are a grass roots all volunteer group.  We dont ask for financial donations just small donations of your time.   We ask our members to give us 15 minutes a day, to help them save their own life savings and homes from corrupt Board Members,  Property Managers, Attorneys that are drawn to HOAs.

If you have realized that the only way to stop the corruption in HOAs is to change the laws, contact me and we can talk about how you can help in a way that is comfortable for you and effective.

See our Proposed Legislation at:


Messenger me, or​



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Patrick Johansen

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Founder of HOA Reform Leaders National Group (HRLNG)

We need your help in order to protect you.

In a few minutes per day, you can help significantly to change the HOA laws. Some ways you can participate in HRLING:

• Lead a group, help teach and organize others showing them what to do. We teach you exactly what to do, you teach others.

• Write and phone legislators presenting and explaining our Proposed Legislation

• Search on your State legislation site to find all the HOA related bills that are proposed.

• Post on other HOA Reform sites to bring others to HRLNG

• Post on State Political sites

• Write thank you letters to legislators and others that have taken some action to help us change the laws.

• Contact National Organizations to convince them to lobby for our Proposed Legislation

• Contact News Media to convince them to produce stories about HOA horror stories and to get the word out about HRLNG and our Proposed Legislation

• Help conduct research over the internet


Don’t think you can leave it and let the other person fix it. Too many people are thinking like that. There will always be some reason why you can’t start helping right now. Few people really can’t fit in 15 minutes per day to save their life savings and their home. To learn what to do to help, contact me

About HOA Reform Leaders

HOA Reform Leaders National Group (HRLNG) is a volunteer association that seeks to examine and propose legislation regarding personal real property rights of the homeowners managed by Homeowner Associations (HOAs).

We use the term “HOA” as an umbrella term that includes all forms of HOAs including Homeowner Association (HOA), Property Owner Association (POA), Condominium Owner Association (COA), and any Common Interest Communities (CIC). Our proposed legislation addresses the relationship and balance of power between the homeowner-members and the developers, property managers, and the Homeowner Association Board of Directors (BOD).


In purpose, an HOA is to create a beneficial living environment and preserve the property values of the homeowner-members. It has been estimated that 30% to 50% of the homes in the United State fall under some form of HOA. In most cases, HOA contracts are tied to the land and are perpetual across the owner of the land or development.

Yet, across most of the US, punishable enforcement is non-existent towards the HOA Board of Directors defined in the governmental property statutes. Should a homeowner-member be at odds with their Board of Directors, their only option is to file a civil lawsuit. This option is out of reach for most homeowners, due to the high cost and time of litigation and the ability of the BOD to retaliate with harassment. Furthermore, state and local governments rarely address these issues in their planning.

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