Sample email or phone call...
Please call Florida Senators and House Representatives and ask them to please pass the fallowing Bill for this Legislative Session.
Ex: Good morning, Rep. _______________ I am calling in support of Bill ______,
As you very well know, Florida is suffering from an epidemic with HOA’s. Your support will save millions of Floridians from abuses from HOA gone rough.
Thank You,
Your name and phone number.
Florida House Representatives Florida House of Representatives – MyFloridaHouse.gov
List of all Legislators 2025, with emails and phone numbers
Last years Bills
1. HB 1243- Sponsor Juan Carlos Porras, (850) 717-5119
Call office of Chair Tommy Gregory, (850) 717-5072
Vice-Chair Roger Overdorf (850) 717-5085
SB 7044- Sponsor Sen. Jennifer Bradley (850) 487-5006
Chair, Senator Debbie Mayfield, (850) 487-5019
Vice-Chair Sen. Keith Perry (850) 487-5009
3. SB 7046-Sponsor Sen. Bradley (850) 487-5006
Sen. Chair Debbie Mayfield (850) 487-5019
Sen. Vice-Chair Ke
4. HB 595- Sponsor Rep. Juan Carlos Porras, 850) 717-5119
Chair Tyler Sirois, 850) 717-5031
Vice Chair Brad Yeager (850) 717-5056
5. HB 1021 by Miami Republican Rep. Vicki Lopez and its Senate analog (SB 1178) by Fleming Island Republican Sen. Jennifer Bradley the “Condo 3.0” bill.
Committee Rules
Sen. Debbie Mayfield (850) 487-5019
Sen. Keith Perry (850)487-5350
SB 942- Sponsor Sen. Rodríguez (850) 487-5040
Sen. Chair Gruters (850) 487-5022
Sen. Vice-Chair Ed Hooper (850) 487-5021
Current Bills
Laws Passed
CS/CS/HB 919 Summary
CS/CS/HB 919 Actual Bill
HB 1203- Sponsor Rep. Esposito, (850) 717-5077 PASSED!!!
Rep. Tyler Sirois, (850) 717-5031
Vice Chair, Brad Yeager (850) 717-5056
Committee on Regulated Industries (Florida HOA and Condo Committee Legislator List)
★ Committee on Regulated Industries – State of Florida (This Committee oversees the HOAs, Condos, etc. – write to the members tell them HOA Reform is needed!) https://www.flsenate.gov/Committees/Show/RI?pref=full
★ Contact Information for The Florida Senate – Directory https://www.flsenate.gov/PublishedContent/Reference/Publications/Links/SDIR2.pdf
★ Contact Information for The Florida House of Representatives – Directory (The Special Districts Subcommittee oversees Condos – See p61 ) https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/filestores/web/housecontent/approved/clerksoffice/housedirectory.pdf
The HRLNG Proposed HOA Reform Legislation can be found here: HOA Reform Leaders National Group https://dev.homeownersfightback.com/
Florida State Government Site Bill Tracking
Florida State Government House Bill Tracking Site
Summary of Bills – Florida Bill of Rights
Florida Courts Government Site
WHERE DO HOMEOWNERS FILE COMPLAINTS AGAINST THEIR HOA IN FLORIDA? (How effective most of these entities are is unknown but wanted to paste it here.)
The venue for filing a Complaint against an HOA in Florida depends on the complaint.
For complaints concerning HOA fees, a homeowner can file a complaint with the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, the Federal Trade Commission, or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, homeowners may also file in state or federal court within one year of the violation date.
If a homeowner feels they are a victim of housing discrimination, they can file a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations, the U.S. Department of Urban Housing, or file a private lawsuit in Florida state or federal court.
Otherwise, a homeowner with any other complaints can bring a claim in state court in the appropriate county.