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Sample Tracking Doc HRLNG Legislative Committee

Sample Tracking Document for HRLNG Legislative Committee Chairs

Committee: Legislative ( This task takes more than 15 minutes per day on certain days, as you would spend more time than that when meeting with the legislators or with HRLNG members)

· Chair – Legislative - Goals:

o Start with your own District Legislators, then the committee legislators that will be on the committees that hear the bills related to HOAs

o Email, phone legislators to have a meeting to discuss HOA Reform. Invite Patrick Johansen to explain Proposed Legislation over Zoom?

o Meet by Zoom or in person, explain Proposed Legislation to legislator

o Convince legislator to write bills for the most important Proposed Legislation, Penalties in the law.

o Convince legislator to help to connect us with others who might write some of the other bills.

o Organize other HRLNG Members to do the same

· Tracking Sheet

o Legislator 1

§ Date…Email, Phone, or in person…Notes (left message, talked to assistant, etc) Date to follow up

o Legislator 2

§ Date…Email, Phone, or in person…Notes (set meeting, ask for one hour. Accept the time we can get.) Ask Patrick to join to help?

§ Date of meeting, Notes (what bill with they write?, when?, need bill now so we have time to get other legislators to support, can they recommend other legislators to write bills, co sponsor bills, support bills.

§ Follow up, follow up, follow up.

o Legislator 3

§ Date, recommendation from Legislator 2. Follow applicable process from above.

§ Follow up, follow up, follow up.

· Chair – Cheerleader – Goals

o Messenger, email, phone HRLNG Members to build rapport and motivate them to help the effort.

o Search for members that are willing to help with the legislative effort.

o Pass them to the Legislative Chair

o If you have members that are willing to help but not comfortable contacting the legislators, connect them with Patrick Johansen (Messenger or to show them other ways they can help.

· Tracking Sheet

o Member 1

§ Date…Email, Phone, or in person…Notes (left message, talked, no able to help now,) …Date to follow up

o Member 2

§ Date…Email, Phone, or in person…Notes (left message, talked, interested in other than legislative committee, connect with Patrick Johansen…Date to follow up

o Member 3

§ Date…Email, Phone, or in person…Notes (Talked, interested in legislative committee, connect with HRLNG Legislative Chair…Date to follow up

§ Keep contacting all members of your state in a cycle whether working in committee or not, to get them motivated or keep them motivated.

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